Status for GDx-bioinf systems
Core production systems
The table below lists the latest release for important source code repositories and tools. Follow the links for previous releases.
Please note that 'release' refers to the version of the code made available, while 'deployment' refers to the version currently in production. Release and deployment dates may differ, please check "GDx driftsmeldinger" in Teams for the most up-to-date information on deployed systems, or consult our Helpdesk.
External tools
Tool | Upgrade date | Version |
Illumina Dragen | 30.01.2025 | v4.3 |
In-house tools
System | Repository | Version |
Automation | TSD import and LIMS integration (tsd-import) | |
Automation | Maestro | |
Automation | Steps | |
Variant calling | Variant calling pipeline (vcpipe) | |
Variant calling | Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) | |
Annotation | ella-anno | |
Annotation | anno-targets | |
Annotation | Post-processing of structural variants (sv-pack) | |
Interpretation | ELLA | |
Interpretation | Gene panel builder (GPB) | |
Interpretation | Gene panel store |