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HTS Bioinf - Development requests to GDx

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Prosedyren beskriver hvordan tjenestebrukere kan melde inn behov for feilrettinger eller utvikling av ny funksjonalitet til GDx. Forespørsler registreres via GDx-bioinf helpdesk, som evaluerer, prioriterer og eventuelt eskalerer saken. Større forespørsler behandles i seksjonsledermøtet, mens godkjente tiltak implementeres og følges opp via GitLab. Resultatet evalueres i samarbeid med tjenestebrukeren for å sikre kvalitet og forbedring av GDx-tjenestene.


This procedure outlines the routine and guidance for requests regarding error corrections and the development of new features to GDx-bioinf.


Responsible: GDx unit leader.

Procedure for request to GDx

Initial Contact

Users requiring error corrections or new feature development for processes and services provided by GDx must first contact the GDx-Bioinformatics Helpdesk ( Refer to the User information page for GDx-bioinf helpdesk for the development request template. The information collected will be used to categorize and prioritize the request.

Steps for Handling Requests

  • The user identifies a need for error correction or new functionality in pipelines or other GDx Bioinformatics services.
  • This need should be discussed in a relevant forum (e.g., user meetings, project group meetings, or unit meetings) to secure consensus among stakeholders. Major changes or new functionality should be endorsed by the immediate supervisor.
  • The user emails the GDx-Bioinformatics Helpdesk ( using the development request template, where the issue is registered. The user may be asked by the Helpdesk to provide more details.
  • The request is queued for evaluation at the weekly GDx-Bioinformatics coordination meeting.
  • The GDx-Bioinformatics Helpdesk ensures all requests are evaluated or escalated within one week. Evaluation includes categorization, solution proposals, resource estimates, realistic timelines, and task prioritization.
  • Feedback is provided to the user and stakeholders, and further information may be requested.
    • The request may be escalated to the GDx-Bioinformatics operations or development team.
    • For significant requests affecting multiple user units or requiring substantial GDx resources, the GDx Unit Leader forwards them to the section leadership meeting and conveys any decisions back to the user via the Helpdesk. This process may result in longer handling times.
  • The GDx-bioinf Coordination team is responsible for implementing approved requests. Actions are registered in GitLab with an assigned responsible party to detail and coordinate implementation. Users are kept informed about progress.
  • Necessary documentation such as procedures, validation/verification, pipeline updates, risk assessments, and change control are followed.
  • The responsible party at GDx ensures a simple evaluation of the implementation and outcome in collaboration with the user upon completion of the action. A template in GitLab is used for this evaluation.


GDx: Genome Diagnostics Unit.

User: A colleague in the department using functionality provided by GDx and who submits requests for error corrections or new functionality development.