Setup for development#

This page provides information on how to set up Maestro for development. For using Maestro as a library in an app, see Getting started.

Set up with devcontainer#

To set up for development, use the provided devcontainer in VSCode. Choose “Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container” in VSCode when prompted (or use the command palette). This will set up a development environment with all necessary dependencies.

Set up without devcontainer#

If you don’t want to use devcontainer, follow these steps:

  1. Set up and activate virtualenv:

    cd maestro
    python -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip install poetry
    poetry install
  2. Launch Docker Compose:

    docker compose up
  3. Install NATS CLI

Setup Maestro as a standalone service#

Maestro can be setup as a standalone service with Docker and Docker Compose:

  1. Clone the Maestro repository to your local machine

  2. Configure as needed:

    • Environment variables in the config/ directory

    • docker-compose.yml file

  3. Build using Docker Compose (from root):

    docker compose build
  4. Start the Maestro services:

    docker compose up

Alternatively, you can install Maestro locally using pip:

  1. Install with pip:

    pip install src/
  2. Compile tailwind CSS for UI:


Access to services#

When services are up and running after setup, you can access (with default configuration):